
Precision Measurement of Neutron Electric Dipole Moment and BSM Physics on the Lattice

by Dr Jangho Kim (Forschungszentrum Juelich)

100주년기념관 가동 606호

100주년기념관 가동 606호


Speaker : Jangho Kim (Postdoc Researcher at Forschungszentrum Juelich)

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The CP-violation based on the Standard Model doesn’t cover the amount needed for the observed baryon asymmetry. Via the electric dipole moment (EDM) study, we can investigate the CP-violation. The contribution to the neutron EDM coming from the SM is several order of magnitudes smaller than the current experimental bound. Therefore New CP-violation sources are required.

The strong CP-violating θ term and all the CP-violating effective operators can contribute to neutron EDM. To constrain all these contributions, we need to precisely determine the hadronic matrix elements of the corresponding renormalized operators. Lattice QCD is the unique tool for a non-perturbative approach to understand QCD by the first principle. I will introduce the current status for experiments in search of a neutron EDM and discuss the current status of Lattice QCD calculations.