6 April 2021
University of Seoul, NSRI(Natural Science Research Institute)
Asia/Seoul timezone

Applications of Machine Learning Algorithms and their Challenges in Astronomy

6 Apr 2021, 13:35
University of Seoul, NSRI(Natural Science Research Institute)

University of Seoul, NSRI(Natural Science Research Institute)

University of Seoul 163 Seoulsiripdaero, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 02504 KOREA


Minsu Shin


Astronomy has a long history of exploiting modern hardware architectures and algorithms in its data analysis research. The most recent trend includes applications of cutting-edge machine learning algorithms. In this talk, I will introduce several application cases of machine learning algorithms, focusing on data science with big survey data, and some challenges and problems in these applications will be presented with some possible ways to tackle these issues.

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