6 April 2021
University of Seoul, NSRI(Natural Science Research Institute)
Asia/Seoul timezone

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce the next meeting in the Korea Astronomy Machine Learning (KAML) series. It will take place on 6th April, hosted by the University of Seoul (서울시립대학교). This meeting is part of a seres where astrophysics researchers, who are keen to make use of machine learning in their research, can meet to discuss, learn new techniques, and create new projects.

These meetings are open to anyone, even those who have not previously attended such a meeting. The next meeting will introduce the KAML meetings, and include new opportunities for projects or collaborations. It will also include two review talks by Dr Min-Su Shin and Dr Ryan Keeley (KASI). These reviews will be aimed at the machine learning novice, who is keen to learn more.

The meeting will be hosted by the University of Seoul, but participants can also join online using Zoom.


University of Seoul, NSRI(Natural Science Research Institute)
University of Seoul 163 Seoulsiripdaero, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 02504 KOREA